2022-2023 SWS Officers
Announcing the New Southwest Section Officers
Dear members of the Southwest Section,
On behalf of AAPG headquarters and the Southwest Section, I am pleased to announce the newly elected Southwest Section leadership:
- President-Elect (one-year term: 2022-23)
- Ron Stillwell, Stillwell Energy, Dallas and Abilene, Texas
- Vice President (one-year term: 2022-23)
- Sandra Elliott, Continental Labs, Midland, Texas
- Secretary (one-year term: 2022-23)
- Teresa McCombs, SM Energy, Midland, Texas
- Treasurer (two-year term: 2022-24)
- Stephen Denham, Colgate Energy, Midland, Texas
Congratulations and thank you to these outstanding leaders for their continued commitment and service to the Southwest Section and the AAPG.
Paul H. Pausé
President, AAPG Southwest Section (2021-22)