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2016 SWS AAPG Annual Convention





Technical Sessions April 11 & 12, 2016

Abilene, Texas

Hosted by the Abilene Geological Society


The SW Section AAPG is issuing a Call For Papers for the 2016 convention. We welcome any and all topics related to the petroleum geology of Texas, southeastern New Mexico, southern Mid-Continent, and frontier exploration areas. We invite presentations regarding both conventional and unconventional plays, including play studies, field studies, reservoir studies, “sweet-spot” recognition, well log evaluation, and seismic interpretation. Related topics include groundwater issues, fluid sources, as well as petrophysical, geophysical, and geochemical applications. 

Students are encouraged to deliver oral or poster presentations. Travel support is available for student presenters.

Notification of intent to present a convention talk or poster session is due by March 1, 2016, with the printing deadline for abstract submittal as March 15, 2016. 


CONTACTS (Call For Papers):

Vance M. Long,, 325.665.4080
Darrell, 325.677.4100
Ron, 325.338.0150


If you are interested in having an Exhibit Booth at the conventiion, please contact:

Buford Salters



Field Trip: Eastern Shelf Sandstones, April 9, 2016

The field trip will include stops that view Permian and Cretaceous sandstones, deposited in several different environments.  We will also view Cretaceous reef, shoal, and shelf limestones.  Stops will also include Permian limestone, Hydrogeology, and structural deformation.

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Short Course: Fluvial Stratigraphy, April 10, 2016 

John Holbrook  -  Professor of Geology at Texas Christian University

Covers wide range of topics needed to identify, correlate, and interpret fluvial reservoirs and encasing non-reservoir units. This discussion will provide participants with the foundations for understanding and predicting the geometry, connectivity, and permeability trends of fluvial reservoirs systems at the scale of boreholes, fields, and basins.

Who Should Attend

Geologists, geophysicists, and engineers seeking techniques for improved subsurface mapping and more accurate prediction of lithology/porosity distribution within fluvial reservoir intervals that are depicted in seismic, borehole, and outcrop data sets. Concepts are taught from base principles so no prerequisites are required. An entry-level understanding of Geology is helpful.

Upon completion of the course, participants will gain an overview of the river processes that generate strata as well as acquire a range of techniques for mapping and interpretation of fluvial rock. Participants will attain the following skills.

  • Relate surficial fluvial processes to specific rock units.
  • Evaluate fluvial preservation in a “river-to-rock” context.
  • Quickly recognize fluvial lithofacies in core and outcrop.
  • Identify and constrain dimensions of reservoir (e.g., bars, channel belts, etc) and non-reservoir (e.g. lake, floodbasin, etc.) architectural elements in well-logs, core, seismic, and outcrop.
  • Place reservoir elements into their correct position within the fluvial architectural hierarchy (e.g. channel-fill vs. channel belt vs. valley fill).
  • Improve reservoir evaluations through a gained understanding of the relationships between locally preserved net to gross and broader basin processes.
  • Estimate heterogeneity and connectivity between and within reservoirs.
  • Correlate fluvial strata at the basin scale.

Course Content

The course is subdivided into six components that each convey a specific aspect of fluvial stratigraphy and each build sequentially upon knowledge gained from the preceding components. These components are, in order, fluvial geomorphology, fluvial facies, fluvial architecture, seismic geomorphology, heterogeneity and connectivity, and correlation.

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