2013 Bill Hailey Memorial Short Course
Integrated Stratigraphic Analysis of Deepwater Sands using Seismic Sequence Methodology
This one-day (eight-hour) hands-on workshop consists of a series of exercises and lectures focused on the fundamentals of sequence stratigraphiy and deep-water sand depositional systems using seismic record sections and wireline logs. The workshop exercises are organized for geologists and geophysicists with introductory knowledge of stratigraphy and sedimentation and are formatted to enhance interpretation skills. The succession of exercises will expose the participants to observation and annotation of sequence stratigraphic patterns, depositional systems, facies analysis, and chronostratigraphic framework. Participants will construct a relative sea level curve and area-time diagram to clarify concepts and terminology of the sequence stratigraphic methodology. Application of the methodology uses two regional seismic reflection profiles, one from the North Slope of Alaska and a second from the West Siberia Basin of Russia. Both seismic profiles illustrate prograding cycles of depositional clinoforms with no structural overprint thus facilitating application of stratigraphic principles. The interpretations lead to recognition of shelf margin to basin floor plays.
Texas Christian University, Auditorium Brown-Lupton University Union
2901 Stadium Drive
Fort Worth