San Angelo GS: Steve Shaw Memorial Talk


This is the 2nd of two San Angelo Geological Society/GEO talks will honor Stephen L. Shaw, ASU Adjunct Instructor, field trip leader, and outstanding petroleum geologist and hydrogeologist. 


Barbeque: A buffet catered by Bodacious Barbeque will be served before talk begins.

$10 donation to help pay for barbeque appreciated. No other cost.

Please RSVP to Joe Satterfield at

January Speaker: Mr. Jeff Bryden, Western Underground Exploration, LLC.

Mr. Shaw's family will attend. There will be time for discussions and sharing stories about Mr. Shaw after the talk! 


Location: ASU LeGrand Alumni and Visitors Center Ballroom
1620 University Ave
San Angelo , TX 76904

Date: Jan. 29, 2025, 5:45 p.m. - Jan. 29, 2025, 8 p.m.