This is the 2nd of two San Angelo Geological Society/GEO talks will honor Stephen L. Shaw, ASU Adjunct Instructor, field trip leader, and outstanding petroleum geologist and hydrogeologist.
Barbeque: A buffet catered by Bodacious Barbeque will be served before talk begins.
$10 donation to help pay for barbeque appreciated, free for students. No other cost.
Please RSVP to Joe Satterfield at
Mr. Shaw's family will attend. There will be time for discussions and sharing stories about Mr. Shaw after the talk!
My journey from Wyoming, where my grandfather encouraged me not to become a geologist, to starting my career during layoffs in the late 1990s, to finding my biggest discovery after my costliest dry hole. Later, after getting into the high-stakes private equity game, I was forced to shift tactics again, creating Western Underground Exploration, LLC. Today, my largest client heard me speak about my costliest dry hole and hired me once I went out on my own. Every step of the way, my biggest failures have led to my greatest accomplishments.