2011 SWS-AAPG Annual Convention

"Renaissance of the Southwest: A Rendezvous in the Mountains"
June 5-7, 2011
Ruidoso, New Mexico
April 15, 2011
On behalf of the Roswell Geological Society and the Southwest Section of AAPG, I would like to invite you to the 2011 SW Section Convention to be held June 4, 5, 6, 7 at the Inn of the Mountain Gods Resort and Casino in Ruidoso New Mexico. Our theme “Renaissance of the Southwest: A Rendezvous in the Mountains” reflects our desire to offer a strong technical program that focuses on the current technological advances changing the landscape of our industry. We hope you will find this program to be of great use to you in your job or company. We are pleased to have thirty-three oral presentations and six poster sessions. In addition there are five key events: (1) NMSU Professor Greg Mack leads a field trip Saturday June 4 to the Sacramento Mouintains, (2) Randy Miller of CoreLabs is presenting a short course entitled Reservoir Characterization and Production Properties of Shale Reservoirs; (3) a Sunday afternoon golf tournament; (4) the Monday All Convention speaker is Robert Bryce 2010 author of “Power Hungry: The Myths of Green Energy and the Real Fuels of the Future”; and (5) the Tuesday DPA Luncheon Speaker is Allen Gilmer, CEO and Co-Founder of Drilling Info. His talk will be “Changing Paradigms in an Oil Patch Better than your Granddad’s.”.
All events except the field trip will be offered at the Inn of the Mountain Gods. Registration is open by going to www.southwestsection.org The bargain one-price-fits-all rate of $200/person includes attendance to the talks, the Exhibit Hall, both All Convention luncheons, the Ice Breaker and the evening Rendezvous by the Lake. Attached is the full list of the Events Planned.
Reserve your accommodations directly. The convention is held at the newly renovated Inn of the Mountain Gods Convention Resort and Casino. Call 1-800-545-9011 to get the SW AAPG Convention Rate of $99/night Forest View, $129/night Superior Lakeview, $139/night Luxury Lakeview room. Make sure to ask for the convention rate. Other recommended hotels include the Comfort Inn Midtown (575-257-2770) and the Holiday Inn Express (575-257-3736). We look forward to seeing you in Ruidoso. Please plan now to attend.
John Worrall
Convention Chairman
On Behalf of the RGS and the SWS AAPG
June 4 8AM-3 PM. Field Trip to the Sacramento Mountains led by Dr. Greg Mack, NMSU Cost $90. (Maximum 30 attendees) Permo-Pennsylvanian Stratigraphy and Structure in the central Sacramento Mountains, New Mexico (Four stop trip in La Luz and Fresnal Canyons). We may take an optional side trip to Three Rivers Petroglyph Site on the way home. Lunch, drinks, vans, materials provided. (See Abstract).
June 4 9 am – 4 PM. RGS and the SW AAPG is hosting “More Rocks in Your Heads” an educational geology seminar at ENMU Ruidoso. It is free to all teachers and lunch and teaching materials are provided included a rock and minerals set for the classroom. Contact Gerry Harrington 622-1550 for more information and to sign up.
June 5 8-12 AM Short Course, Randy Miller of Core Labs entitled Reservoir Characterization and Production Properties of Shale Reservoirs Cost $50 (Max.# = 100).
June 5 1-6 Golf Tournament, Inn of the Mtn Gods $95/player (Max#=72, shotgun start)
June 5 6 PM Icebreaker in Exhibitor’s Hall, Inn of the Mtn Gods Convention Center
June 6 7 AM Judges & Speakers Breakfast.
June 6 7 AM SWS AAPG Delegates Breakfast
June 6 8 AM Opening Remarks, and Exhibits Open
June 6 8:30-12 Session#1 Shale Geology of the Southwest Section
June 6 8:30-12 Session #2 Seismic Case Studies
June 6 Morning Spouse Event: Gambling School: Learn Roulette, Craps, Blackjack from eight Casino Pros
June 6 12-1:30 PM All Convention Luncheon Author Robert Bryce” Power Hungry: The Myths of Green Energy and the Real Fuels of the Future”
June 6 1:30-3:30 Session #3 Horizontal Drilling Case Studies
June 6 3:30-5:00 Poster Sessions in Exhibitor Hall
June 6: 12-2 PM Spouse Event: Four Course Wine and Food Pairing at Wendell’s
June 6 Evening: Rendezvous by the Lake, Inn of the Mtn. Gods, Dinner and Music
June 7 7 AM Judges & Speakers Breakfast for Day #2
June 7 7 AM DPA Breakfast
June 7 8:00-12:00 Morning Oral Session #4 Frontier Geology of the SW Seection
June 7 8:00-12:00 Morning Oral Session#5 General Geology of the SW Section
June 7 12-1:30 All Convention DPA Luncheon Allen Gilmer, CEO, Drilling Info, “Changing Paradigms in an Oil Patch better than your Granddad’s”. To be Followed by Awards and Closing Remarks
1. 8:30 AM Ron Broadhead, NM Bureau of Geology, “The Woodford Shale in Southeastern New Mexico: Distribution and Source Rock Characteristics”.
2. 9 AM Bruce Hart, Conoco Phillips, “Overview of Shale Play Assessment”.
3. 9: 30 AM Chuck Segrest, Geo Systems, LP, “Petrophysical Evaluation of Shale (Mudstone) Reservoirs”.
4. 10 AM Ernie Gomez and Alex Perakis, Schlumberger, “Bakken Consortium: Unconventional Oil Reservoir Characteristics and Stimulation Analysis”.
5. 10:30 AM Joel Walls, Ingrain, “EagleFord Shale Reservoir Properties from Digital Rock Physics”.
6. 11 AM Robert Lestz, GasFrac Energy Services, “WaterLess Fracturing Technology: Making the Most of Your Reservoir”.
7. 11:30 AM Mihai Vasilache, Scal, Inc., “Restored State Automated Shale Analysis.”
3D SEISMIC CASE STUDIES Session 2 Monday Morning
1. 8:30 AM Jasha Cultreri, Consultant, “ Seismic Inversion in the Brushy Canyon formation of the Delaware Mountain Group, Eddy County, NM”.
2. 9 AM Mike Burnett, TameCAT, LLC, Quantitative Seismic Analysis using Noise Abatement in a Tight Sand Horizontal Play”. (Morrow Fm, Tx. Panhandle)
3. 9:30 AM Mark Glashof, Sterling Seismic, Real time Microseismic Detection of Fracture stimulations.
4. 10 AM Scott Singleton and Rob Keirstead, Rock Solid Images, “Calibration of Pre-Stack Simultaneous Impedance Inversion using Rock Physics”.
5. 10:30 AM Mike Burnett, TameCAT, LLC, “Reservoir Characterization in a Mature Reef Trend”. (Kirkland Reef)
6. 11 AM Al H. Silliman and Andre’ Brown, W. L. Gore & Associates “Case Examples of Geophysical and Geochemical Data Integration: Enhancement of Prospect Structural Interpretation”
1. 1:30 PM Bill Hardie, OGX Resources, “Horizontal Development of the Delaware, Bone Spring and other emerging plays”.
2. 2 PM Ted Gawloski (pending), Apache, “Horizontal Development of the Abo-Wolfcamp dolomite”. (Final Title TBA)
3. 2:30 PM John Worrall, Bold Energy & Manzano Energy, “Geology and Development of the Bone Spring Sandstones in Loving County and adjacent areas”.
4. 3 PM Mike Hanagan, Axis Energy, “Horizontal development of the Cleveland Sand of the Texas Panhandle”.
5. 3:30 PM John Worrall & Chad Kronkowsky, Bold Energy, “Geology and Development of the Avalon Shale, Loving County and adjacent areas”.
6. 4:00 PM Jack Ahlen & Kate Zeigler, Consultants, Evidence of Strike Slip Movement and Attenuation of Offset, Pecos Slope, Southeastern New Mexico
1. Dr. Bob Trentham, Univ. of Tx @ Permian Basin, “Potential for long term uses of anthropogenic CO2 in the Permian basin”.
2. Dietmar Schumacher, Geo-Microbial Technologies, “When Seismic is not Enough”.
3. Alex Nsiah, NM Tech Grad. Student, “Application of Reservoir Simulation to Determine EOR Potential of Residual Oil Zones in the Permian Basin of Southeastern New Mexico”.
4. Michael Sweatt, XTO Energy, Lithostratigraphy of a measured section of the Middle to Upper Bell Canyon Formation in Seven Heart Gap, Apache Mountains, West Texas
5. Al H. Silliman and Andre’ Brown, W. L. Gore & Associates, Passive Geochemical Survey Effectiveness: From Sample Acquisition Through Drilling Results
6. Cucha Lopez, ExxonMobil, “High Permeability zones and their impact in fluid flow predictions”.
1. 8 AM Brian Brister, Gunn Oil “Structure and Depositional History of northwestern Tucumcari Basin from analysis of 2D seismic data”.
2. 8:30 AM Ron Broadhead, NM Bureau of Geology, “Oil and Gas Potential of the pre-Cretaceous Section in the New Mexico part of the Raton Basin”.
3. 9 AM Bruce Black, Black Oil and Gas, “Pride and Prejudice – Exploring the Rio Grande Rift”.
4. 9:30 AM Dietmar Schumacher, Geo-Microbial Technologies “Hydrocarbon Exploration Survey Strategies for Frontier Basins”.
5. 10:30 AM Vidya Bimmidi, NM Tech Graduate Student, “Resource Potential of Woodford Shale in New Mexico”.
6. 11 AM Paul H. Pausé, Independent Geologist, “Fire from Ice: Methane Hydrate Petroleum Systems and Resources”
7. 11:30 AM Gary Rice, GeoFrontiers, “Geochemical Exploration Fluorescence in Southern US Basins”.
1. 8 AM Sergio R. Ojeda, Texas Tech Grad. Student, “A high precision digital model of the lower Grayburg formation, Last Chance Canyon, Guadalupe Mtns., NM: Interpreting Structural orientation and thickness variation, using Lidar and DGPS technology”.
2. 8:30 AM Dr. Bob Trentham, Univ. of Tx @ Permian Basin, “Residual Oil Zones: The Long term Future of Enhanced Oil Recovery in the Permian Basin and Elsewhere”.
3. 9 AM Dr. Bob Balsh, NM Tech PRRC, “Oil and Gas Potential in the Secretaries Potash Enclave”.
4. 9:30 AM Martha Cather, NM Tech PRRC, “Developing a Reasonable Foreseeable Development (RFD) Scenario for the BLM New Mexico Pecos District”.
5. 10:30 AM Rick Kear, Schlumberger, “Recent Advances in Borehole Imaging”.
6. 11 AM Jay Chapman, SandRidge Energy, “Recent exploration advances in the Marathon Fold Thrust Belt (West Texas Overthrust and Pinon field)”.
7. 11:30 AM Ryan King, Weatherford Laboratories, “Application of near real-time geochemical and mineralogic evaluation on cuttings”.